7월, 2018의 게시물 표시

양평, 태릉

양평에서 약 12시 30분 조금넘어 라이딩 시작해서 오후 5시까지 다녀왔습니다.  태릉까지 60.39KM 나오네요  양평쪽은 터널도 많고 시원한테 오늘은 그렇게 시원하지는 않더라구요..  하늘은 깨끗하고 생각밖으로 덥지는 않았습니다. 구리쪽 넘어오니 뜨거운 공기가 느껴집니다.  구리시까지 자전거 타시는 분들...5분 뵌거 같네요  평일 한가로운 라이딩 이었습니다. 

Korea 1956-'57: An Engineers photos

출처 source 出處 https://www.flickr.com/photos/58451159@N00/albums/72157670153067184 This is a large set of slides taken by a man I only know as Mr. Morton. He also took the slides in the set "Yokohama Engineer Depot". Based on slides in this set, I think he was a correspondent or writer for the magazine "The Military Engineer". He appears in some photos in military uniform, with a "War Correspondent" patch on his arm. As you will notice, he only has one arm, so it would be unlikely that he was an active-duty Serviceman. These photos of Korea were taken in Seoul, "Bopung" (Bupyeong?), Yong Hung Do, Incheon, and Suwon 출처 source 出處 https://www.flickr.com/photos/58451159@N00/albums/72157670153067184 ...